My Virtual Law Office

Virtual Law Office

What is a “Virtual Law Office”?

A virtual law office provides legal services without a traditional “brick and mortar” office. You, the client, “enter” the office through a secure client web portal that is open 24/7. From there, you can access your documents, see case updates, and communicate directly with me. A virtual law office leverages the latest technology to bring legal services to you in the most effective and efficient way possible.

What benefits can a virtual office offer?

Working with a virtual law office provides many benefits for both the attorney and client, through the effective use of technology.

  • Low Overhead: The virtual law office avoids the expensive trappings of a traditional law office, while maintaining the same quality of legal services. This leads to lower costs and happy clients.
  • 24/7 Access: A secure virtual law office client portal is set up so that clients can access their information any time of day. Every document, case update, and communication with me is contained in the client portal. Clients receive their unique login and password in order to log in to the cloud-based portal.
  • Flexibility: The virtual law office allows me, the attorney, to work on the case, respond to client concerns, and deliver top quality legal services from anywhere in the world, at any time.
  • Security: My law practice is managed through Rocket Matter, which features 128 bit SSL encryption, daily backups, and two separate secure data centers. Payments for services and client login are accessed through the same secure Rocket Matter gateway, instilling the confidence and peace of mind that comes from not having to worry about the safety of your personal information.

Unbundled Legal Services

What are Unbundled Legal Services?

The term “unbundled legal services” just means that you are purchasing specific services rather than full representation. There is no need for an expensive retainer or unknown amounts of time billed at expensive hourly rates. You choose what services you want performed, and that is all you need to pay for.

What are the benefits of Unbundled Legal Services?

Unbundled legal services are geared toward providing the best of both worlds: You get great quality legal services, but can prevent the legal budget from getting out of control.

  • Personal attention on a limited scope: Get the benefit of legal experience and advice with each unbundled service. From company formation to trademark registration, each unbundled service gets the personal attention of a professional, rather than simple automated document prep.
  • Fits within any budget: No need for expensive retainers or out of control hourly billing. We agree up front on the costs for that specific service, with no uncertainty. Plus, package deals can be worked out so you can save money by purchasing multiple services at a time!
  • Wide range of services: Unbundled services aren’t limited to simple document preparation tasks, like some other legal services websites. I am available to help negotiate contracts, review deals, file documents with the appropriate agencies, and many other services. I understand the financial difficulties that come with creating a game or company from the ground up. That’s why I am here to provide legal services as they are needed, when they are needed, for a price that works for all parties.

Unbundled Legal Services

Picture of Zachary Strebeck

Zachary Strebeck

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