How to find out if something is copyrighted – a quick guide
Many creators neglect to take care of finding out whether something they want to use is already copyrighted. Here’s how!
Many creators neglect to take care of finding out whether something they want to use is already copyrighted. Here’s how!
Looking to copyright your brand name? Not possible! This post will clear up this misconception and set you straight!
A final decision has been handed down in the 2-year copyright infringement case involving the card game Bang! and its clone, Legends of the Three
Game lawyer Zachary Strebeck takes a look at the question of whether or not a copyright holder should enforce their copyrights, including a look at the potential fan backlash it could cause.
Game lawyer Zachary Strebeck looks at common questions about copyright and the public domain. Depending on the facts, there could still be legal protection.
Need a good primer on copyright law? Head on over to A Lawyer Abroad to see my comprehensive post!
Game lawyer Zachary Strebeck discusses two recent lawsuits filed over mobile game clones – Big Duck Games’ Flow Free and Glu Mobile’s Deer Hunter 2014.
In order to qualify for federal copyright protection, a minimum spark of creativity or originality is required. However, just meeting this standard does not always give the greatest protection under U.S. copyright law. Game lawyer Zachary Strebeck explains the concept of “thin” copyright protection.
On Aug. 6, 2014, video-streaming website Twitch.tv announced that it would implement a new system, similar to YouTube’s ContentID, that would automatically flag and mute unlicensed audio in certain videos. Game lawyer Zachary Strebeck looks at this new system and some of the criticisms of Twitch.
California game lawyer looks at the procedures Facebook offers to remove copyrighted or trademarked material from its social network.
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